A Busy Kidz to Adultz up North 2015

2015 Kidz to Adultz up North was one of the busiest yet for Delichon!
Held in Manchester's Event City on the 19th November, the 2015 Kidz to Adultz up North was one of the busiest yet! Delichon's stand seemed particularly busy as people queued in the aisles to try out the Deltas and Hippocampes on display. The new lighting kit for the Delta All-Terrain Buggy was a great eye catcher and as ever, the stylish looks of the Hippocampe beach wheelchairs created lots of interest.
The new look stand with more than hint of orange and the new Hawaiian shirts also generated a lot of comment for Martin and Ingrid as they worked hard to keep our visitors happy.
All in all, another fantastic show and we would like to thank everyone who came along to say "hello" along with the organisers for yet again making this show one of the busiest and best around!
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- Hippocampe